11 February 2015

De-stacker & Molds washing machine

Starts the de-stacking and one to one the multy block forms put the empty blocks of cheese on the conveyor so that the operator takes them manually and place them in containers for storage. Then the empty mold is guided into the washing machine for washing.

The mold is automatically moved at various stages of washing, which are separated from each other by special plastic curtains for preventing movement of liquid and heat from one stage to another. Washing at each stage over a network of special spray nozzle where are conveniently positioned for the perfect cleaning of the mold.

Washing is completed in four steps:

·         First stage is the prewash with natural water under pressure, and various spraying angles.
·         The second washing step is washing the mold with a chemical solution
·         The third step is washing (rinsing) the mold by the chemical solution with natural water.
·         The fourth and final step of washing is the final rinsing with natural water.

And from there the mold is automatically or manually removed from the single output of the washing machine.

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